Dayan Garcia G. is a Panamanian film director and cinematographer based in Los Angeles CA.  After studying cinematography at the University of Panama, Dayan started working as a video producer and Director in Panama, in 2019 he moved to San Antonio Texas launching his career as a DP and Video Director.  Dayan often shoots in Panama,  San Antonio Texas, and Los Angeles CA.

He has directed and produced numerous documentaries, commercials, and music videos. Some of his projects are The 2019 Panama Presidential Campaign, Miss Universe Panama 2019, Ford Figo tv spot.

On his days off Dayan spends time taking photos and watching movies for studying purposes – Some of his favorite directors are Akira Kurosawa, Zhang Yimou, Stanley Kubrick, John Ford, and Eliseo Subiela.

Dayan is currently writing his first feature film.